Universidad de La Frontera
Estudios publicados en revistas científicas por miembros del Laboratorio de Biometría desde el año 2010 al presente.
Almonacid L., Herrera H., Fuentes-Ramirez A., Vargas-Gaete R., Toy-Opazo O., Valadares R. & DeOliveraP. (2024). What fire didn’t take away: plant growth-promoting microorganisms in burned soils of old-growth Nothofagus forests in Los Andes Cordillera. Plant and Soil (aceptado).
Fuentes-Ramírez A., Vargas-Gaete R., Toy-Opazo O., Muñoz-Gómez N., Salas-Eljatib C. &PauchardA. (2024). Control of invasive conifers in temperate Andean forests promotes native vegetation restoration, but requirescontinuous management. Trees, Forests and People (aceptado).
Toy-Opazo O., Fuentes-Ramirez A., Palma-Soto V., García R.A., Moloney K.A., Demarco R. & Fuentes-Castillo A. (2024). Flammability features of native and non-native woody species from the southernmost ecosystems:A review. Fire Ecology 20: 21.
Fuentes-Quiroz A., Herrera H., Alvarado R., Sagredo-Saez C., Mujica M.I., Vohník M. & Rolli E. (2024). Cultivable Root-Symbiotic Bacteria of a Pioneer Ericaceous Dwarf Shrub Colonizing Volcanic Deposits and Their Potential to Promote host Fitness. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition.
Alvarado R., Sagredo-Saez C., Fuentes-Quiroz A., Villanueva-Guerrero A., Mujica M.I., Ahumada R., Almonacid-Muñoz L., Jorquera-Fontena E., De Oliveira Costa P.H., Borges da Silva Valadares R. & Herrera H. (2024). Endophytic seed-associated microbial diversity and its impact on seedling growth of the Andean tree Nothofagus obliqua (Mirb.) Oerst. Plant Growth Regulation 103: 321-336.
Fuentes-Quiroz A., Herrera H., Alvarado R., Rabert C., Arriagada C., Valadares R. (2024). Functional differences of cultivable leaf-associated microorganisms in the native Andean tree Gevuina avellana Mol. (Proteaceae) exposed to atmospheric contamination. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 135(2).
Sanhueza T., Hernandez I., Sagredo-Saez C., Villanueva-Guerrero A., Alvarado R., Mujica-Perez De Castro, M.I., Fuentes-Quiroz A., Menendez E., Jorquera-Fontena E.J., Valadares R., Herrera H. (2024). Juvenile Plant–Microbe Interactions Modulate the Adaptation and Response of Forest Seedlings to Rapid Climate Change. Plants-Basel 13 (2): 175.
Eugenio Bahule C., Da Silva Martins L.H, Mussengue Chaúque B.J., Trindade F., Herrera H., Chagas da Costa I.R., De Oliveira Costa P.H., Da Costa Fonseca Y., Borges da Silva Valadares R., Santos Lopes A. Metaproteomics revealing microbial diversity and activity in the spontaneous fermentation of maize dough. Food Chemistry 435