Universidad de La Frontera
Estudios publicados en revistas científicas por miembros del Laboratorio de Biometría desde el año 2010 al presente.
Arroyo-Vargas P., Fuentes-Ramirez A., Muys B. & Pauchard A. (2019). Impacts of fire severity and cattle grazing on early plant dynamics in old-growth Araucaria-Nothofagus forests. Forest Ecosystems 6:44.
Fuentes-Ramirez A., Arroyo P., Del Fierro A. & Perez F. (2019). Post-fire response of Araucaria araucana (Mol.) K. Koch: Assessment of vegetative resprouting, seed production and germination. Gayana Botanica 76(1): 119-122.
Moloney K.A., Mudrak E.L., Fuentes-Ramirez A., Parag H.A., Schat M., & Holzapfel C. (2019). Increased fire risk in Mojave and Sonoran shrublands due to exotic species and extreme rainfall events. Ecosphere e02592.
Wilsey B.J., Checinska-Sielaff A., Polley H.W., Fuentes-Ramirez A. & Hofmockel K. (2019). Mycorrhizal colonization and its relationship with plant abundance differs between exotic and native grassland plant species. Biological Invasions 21: 1981-1991.
Burger A., Bannister J.R., Galindo N., Vargas-Gaete R., Vidal O.J., & Schlegel B. (2019). Browsing evidence of the native and near-threatened Pudu puda deer in restoration plantings on Chiloé Island, Chile. Gayana. Botánica, 76(1), 24-33
Vargas-Gaete, R., Doussoulin, H., Smith-Ramírez, C., Bravo, S., Salas-Eljatib, C., Andrade, N., & Trávníček, B. (2019). Evaluation of rust pathogenicity (Phragmidium violaceum) as a biological control agent for the invasive plant Rubus ulmifolius on Robinson Crusoe Island, Chile. Australasian Plant Pathology, 48(3), 201-208.
Ortiz, J., Soto, J., Almonacid, L., Fuentes, A., Campos-Vargas, R., & Arriagada, C. (2019). Alleviation of metal stress by Pseudomonas orientalis and Chaetomium cupreum strains and their effects on Eucalyptus globulus growth promotion. Plant and Soil, 436(1-2), 449-461.
Soto, J., Ortiz, J., Herrera, H., Fuentes A., Almonacid L., Charles TC., Arriagada C. (2019). Enhanced Arsenic Tolerance in Triticum aestivum Inoculated with Arsenic-Resistant and Plant Growth Promoter Microorganisms from a Heavy Metal-Polluted Soil. Microorganisms.12;7(9):348.
Herrera, H., Palma, G., Almonacid, L., Campos, R., Fuentes, A., García-Romera, I., & Arriagada, C. (2019). Improving Soil Simazine Dissipation Through an Organic Amendment Inoculated with Trametes versicolor. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 19 (2), 262-269.