Universidad de La Frontera
Estudios publicados en revistas científicas por miembros del Laboratorio de Biometría desde el año 2010 al presente.
Almonacid, L., Fuentes, A., Ortiz, J., Salas, C., García-Romera, I., Ocampo, J., Arriagada, C. (2015). Effect mixing soil saprophytic fungi with organic residues on the response of Solanum lycopersicum to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Soil Use and Management 31(1): 155-164.
Fuentes-Ramirez, A., Schafer J.L., Mudrak E.L., Schat M., Parag H.A., Holzapfel C., Moloney K.A. (2015). Spatio-temporal impacts of fire on soil nutrient availability in Larrea tridentata shrublands of the Mojave Desert, USA. Geoderma 259-260: 126-133.
Fuentes-Ramirez, A., Mudrak E.L., Caragea P.C., Holzapfel C., Moloney K.A. (2015). Assessing the impact of fire on the spatial distribution of Larrea tridentata in the Sonoran Desert, USA. Oecologia 178: 473-484.
Neophytou C., Stefanie M.G., Vargas, R., Hans-Gerhard M. (2015). Genetic variation of Central European oaks: shaped by evolutionary factors and human intervention? Tree Genetics & Genomes 11 (4): 1-15.
Delgado M., Zuniga-Feest A., Almonacid L., Lambers H., Borie F. (2015). Cluster roots of Embothrium coccineum (Proteaceae) affect enzyme activities and phosphorus lability in rhizosphere soil. Plant and Soil 395 , 189-200.